Monday, 6 May 2013

Thirsties Booty Luster Review

      I was generously given a Thirsties Booty Luster to review by So Green Baby. The owner was very interested in what I thought about this product. For those who use cloth wipes or  are looking for an alternative to disposable wipes this item will be one of interest. What is the Booty Luster? It is a wipe solution. You spray some on the baby's bum or into a wipe then wipe baby down during the diaper change. The Booty Luster formula is meant to loosen waste and cleans the babies bottom as well as gently moisturizing the skin.

      This wipe solution has a refreshing lavender scent and is alcohal free, non toxic and is non irritating. The solution cleanses, soothes and aids in the prevention of diaper rashes. Let's admit it, if your child is rash prone even the use of cloth diapers does not FULLY eliminate rashes. This American made product is made with natural ingredients, including: organic aloe vera juice, calendula, chamomile, lavender, witch hazel etc. It is 100% biodegradable and does not leave any unwanted residue behind on the baby's skin.

    How do you use this?  This may be more expensive then making your own solution or making solution out of concentrate BUT this is convenient and sometimes convenience is very nice. The 4 oz bottle is pretty small and is a great size to throw in your diaper bag for use on the go so you don't have to mix solution or wet the wipes ahead of time and worry about keeping them in a wet bag or trying to find where to keep them. With this bottle you just pull it out, shake it a bit and spray. You are suppose to spray this onto baby but I found that it tended to irritate my eyes a bit so I liked to spray some solution onto one side of a wipe, use it then wipe babies bum dry with the other side so that no moisture gets closed into the new diaper hence causing rash. There is also an 8 oz bottle that can be purchased as well for at home use. After the solution is gone you can even store your own solution/water inside this nicely sized bottle. 

What are my thoughts on this product? I know witch hazel is very soothing and cool on swollen or red skin so it must be pleasant for your child as well. The smell is not overly strong which is nice and there is no fake smell, it just smells of herbs and lavender. The added bonus of spraying into a wipe rather then directly on the baby was that there was no wetness on the changing table cover under the baby.
        The solution did its job. My son's skin is SUPER sensitive, he gets tons of redness even with cloth if its kept on long. (With disposables it's 1 hour and my poor little man's skin is all red and rashy!).  This product seems to help speed up the heaing time because I seem to see redness go away very quickly after using this product which is great. I think its also helpful that we wipe his skin dry but we have always done. I have found that with this spray I have been using less rash balms, which is nice.

       Please keep in mind that with disposable wipes you do not use 1 wipe on a soiled diaper. Do not expect a cloth wipe to be able to get the job done with one wipe either. It may take 2 or 3.At first I sprayed once and expected a wipe to do the whole job of cleaning up after a soiled diaper. I soon learned otherwise. Using cloth does not have to be difficult! Be prepared, keep the wipes and a solution close and it can be very convenient.

 Thirsties Booty Luster retails for $7.95 for 4 oz compared to $10.50 for Applecheeks or $10.95 for BG solutions. Check out the solution at So Green Baby. So Green baby is a Canadian online store that specializes in natural, toxic free children's products, baby clothing, skin care products, post-partum products as well as a wide range of cloth diapers and accessories. The customer service is great if you have any questions of issues.I have recently bought lots of great goodies there including baby safe sunscreen, covers at great prices and nighttime fitteds! Personally, I have recently really started to love shopping in small and family owned retail stores rather then big huge chains, it doesn't have t be expensive, the customer service is better, you can get more correct information and opinions on the products and it is always great to use your money in small stores rather then huge chains!

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