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Email: shura18b@gmail.com
Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/ThisWayToMotherhood?fref=ts
Hello everyone. My name is Sasha and I am a 22 year old mom to one son, Alek. I am happily married to my husband M and have been since July 29th of 2011. I met my husband in the summer of 2007 at a wedding. We danced the night away but did not get together at this point. We didn't see each other until half a year later when I found him on Facebook of all places and we decided to go out. Well everything else is kind of history...long story short we moved in together January 2010 and in March we were engaged. We had an amazing wedding in Ukraine and honeymooned there as well. Actually we had 3 wedding(s) receptions ...uhmm yeah 3! we had the legal signing of papers in June, the main big church wedding in Ukraine and then a 2nd wedding reception in Canada for those who could not make it oversees.
Several months after the wedding I found out I was pregnant. We had been trying but I was very surprised when I got my positive, I was SURE that the cycle was a bust and I was going to be seeing the witch soon. In December we were suppose to fly to Cuba and I decided to test just in case before leaving. Well I got a light second line but M didn't believe it since it was light and the digital test was negative. The next day in Cuba something prompted me to test again, I still don't know what it was. I had spent the whole day before crying or upset because the first positive had got my hopes up and then they were dashed by the digital test. Well, it was positive on a digital test this time! This time M and I knew it was true. We got so excited we even decided on boy and girl names while soaking in the sun.
I loved being pregnant, yes it was hard at times. Your back hurts, you pee a lot, you get hot/cold, you feel massive etc. etc. etc. Yet somehow it was amazing. Looking back on my labour I feel really blessed with one that was not too difficult and it was great. No really I can go as far as saying I enjoyed it plus all the pain and everything are worth seeing your child for the very first time. Meeting the little one that had been kicking you all that time. The moment is magical. There are rough and hard patches raising a child and it is exhausting and a lot of responsibility but there is truly nothing more worth it! Any mother would agree, seeing your child grow up is a wonderful experience I really can't put it into words. Now this thread is going to be about me raising my son and our daily life, the baby items we use, maybe some things about my pregnancy and labour or general baby information but overall it will be all baby. As many mothers know once you have a child everything kind of revolves around your child.
I am visiting from Silly Sunday Hop. I followed you on GFC.
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