Woolzies dryer balls cost $34.95 US for 6 dryer balls. Compared to many dryer balls they come out cheap, coming out to just $5.83 per ball. Many good dryer balls cost approximately $8-9 a ball. I also like that they are white but that is personally my opinion because it appears more natural this way. Yes, buying a fabric softener container and a box of sheets may be cheaper but one softener and one box of sheets wont last 1,000 loads. If you count how much you would spend on softener and sheets, the dryer balls come out cheaper in the end. Then again you don't NEED any of these products but static-y less soft clothing and bedsheets are not as nice.
I won't begin by saying I am some kind of expert on dryer balls. Actually, I discovered them when I delved into the world of cloth diapers. This world as well as having my son and striving for options with less chemicals for him got me to learn about dryer balls. I have only tried one other set before so I cannot compare them to all dryer balls but will compare these to the set of 3 dryer balls I bought off of Amazon several months previously.
Woolzies claims and my opinions:
Let's begin with the size of the dryer balls. These dryer balls dwarf the other set I have. They are quite a bit bigger, check it out:
Woolzies claims that their dryer balls are noise free. I can say that NO they are not silent but when you see how dense and big they are you expect MUCH more noise. The 3 smaller dryer balls I had before getting these made an awful racket, so these SIX are much quieter then those THREE.
Static reduction. There is less static then without any dryer balls. Is it less then if a sheet was used? Maybe- maybe not. A nice benefit of dryer balls over sheets is that it is cloth diaper safe while softeners and sheets are not because they coat the diapers and cause repelling.
Wrinkle elimination. Im not sure how well this works but I cannot complain about my laundry coming out very wrinkled.
Softness. "Gentle friction softens laundry fibers." This is the biggest thing I probably noticed. Laundry is coming out fluffy and soft. So so fluffy!
A big thing many want when buying dryer balls is reduction of dryer time hence money savings in the electrical bill. Woolzies claim to reduce drying time by UP to 25% in a large loads and more in small loads! Don't expect or look for miracles. The time isn't going to disappear by 1/2 or more, it just isn't. Now does this product help shave of 5-15 minutes on a 40-50 minute load, yeah. The reduction in drying time also depends on how full the dryer is. The less the amount of laundry in the dryer the faster the balls help. I have noticed that I don't have to do 50 minute cycles on low heat anymore but that 40 is usually sufficient in a medium-large load.
How do you use/care for them? For optimal results you toss in all 6 balls. You never have to remove them or do anything to them. After a dry cycle take out your laundry and keep the balls in the dryer until you need them next. I have heard you can also add a drop of essential oil on them if you want your laundry to have a certain scent (lavender, vanilla, coconut). The box claims that overtime pilling occurs, you can remove this pilling but it actually aids the process. If you feel the dryer balls have lost their static reduction quality you can get it back by placing the dryer balls in socks and running them through a wash cycle and they will be good as new!
Have you tried dryer balls before? What do you love about them? Do you notice a difference in your laundry?
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